Dear Club Presidents,
Welcome to our page of resources to help you have a successful year as a Club President. We are excited you have accepted this role, and know you will find it to be one of the most satisfying roles in your Rotary experience! 
The resources on this page are designed to give you access to useful information from Rotary International on all aspects of the role of President—from the applicable “Lead Your Club: President” booklet, to information on this year’s Rotary Citation, and on to more focused resources that will help you build your club’s team of committee members and chair-people. We know these resources will enlighten and inspire you during your year of service. Remember, in addition to these printed materials, you should also feel free to contact anyone in the District leadership team, as well—our District’s purpose is to facilitate our clubs in being the club they choose to be! 
So, CONGRATULATIONS on your election; THANK YOU for your service to our great organization; and CONTACT US if the District can help you in any way!
President-Elect Leadership Seminar (PELS)
In Person PETS
Pre-PETS/PELS Zoom Meetings

Jan. 7 – Clubrunner and Rotary Club Central -- Click here for Recording

Jan. 28 – Membership -- Click here for Recording

Feb. 4 – Foundation 101 -- Click here for Recording

Feb. 18 @ 7:00 pm – Club Administration and Rotary International Support -- Coming Soon!

2022 District Conference
Quick Access
Learning Center

Course Catalog

Club President Basics
If you don’t have time to complete the entire course, please at least watch the following: 

  • Get Ready: Club President
  • My Rotary: Club Administration
  • Rotary Club Central Resources
  • Protecting Personal Data
District Conference 2021 Presentations